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Does technology affect education?


Jan 4, 2024

Technology is great, it is changing the culture of our world and enriching us with the ease of obtaining new knowledge. The new generations have great support for their education, thanks to this; but lately we are all relying more than we should on technology. But although both students and teachers are relying on this type of tool, is it helping or harming the education that is provided? It is a great question that will have many derivatives and that many could be against and many others for.

The current situation in the world could lead us to think that it is an essential tool for the development of new generations, the point is that not all people have access or the possibility of having a technological device. So one should not generalize when saying that technology benefits everyone, it is important to know the context in which each person lives; many do what they can to be able to use technology.

It has become something indispensable that has caused problems of all kinds, it could be that we have become dependent and that even the smallest of the houses suffer from the same, which should not be the case. Technology should be an extra that helps to improve education and the development of people throughout their educational life. it could be that we have become dependent and that even the smallest of the houses suffer from the same, which should not be the case.

Technology should be an extra that helps to improve education and the development of people throughout their educational life. it could be that we have become dependent and that even the smallest of the houses suffer from the same, which should not be the case. Technology should be an extra that helps to improve education and the development of people throughout their educational life.

Keywords : Technology, Learning, Education, Generations.


The main instruments used to be the pencil, books and paper, without them we could not attend school, they were necessary for learning. When we had the books in our hands for the first time, it was exciting and all the students looked forward to being able to leaf through them and smell their aroma. On some occasions not everyone had the privilege of having books, there was not enough for everyone, it does not mean that currently everyone in the world already has books, but a large part of them have access to them.

Since the appearance of technologies, education has been transformed, it has been used as a tool to improve the educational development of the student. Before, libraries were essential for the investigation of certain things that were new to students and above all concepts; With the passage of time the dictionary came to the classrooms and it was the best thing that could have happened to us; but the internet came to revolutionize the way to investigate.

The internet and with it the computer are necessary tools so that the students of this century can carry out their tasks and obtaining information is much easier. The Web became another of the far from simple ways of sharing information through the Internet (CERN, 2003a).

The impact caused by technology and everything that comes behind it has been so great that people have not realized it, but it is benefiting us or it has only brought us more problems, on a personal, social and, above all, educational level.

Teachers have used it in a positive way, since they make their classes more dynamic and the students are trapped with the information, and the way in which it is transmitted by the teacher. But teachers have been caught in a not-so-positive way, in some cases using technology too much that they forget to interact with learners.

So the impact from various points has been different, it depends on the way it is used, it can be positive or negative.


But not everything is negative for this tool, we have to realize that it has favored education in various aspects. Despite the fact that every time new technology arrives to us, it can be highlighted that in situations like the ones that the world is experiencing today, we have become hooked on this technology.

A great advantage is that there is a type of education that is not entirely face-to-face. The distance modality, according to García (1986), defines an educational strategy based on the application of technologies for learning, regardless of the place, time, occupation or age of the students. The institutions have opted for this modality, since the situation that is being presented has led to this.

Social networks function as a means of communication in society, on the educational side it functions as a transmitter of educational information, which can reach many places; the little ones cannot access these, since they represent a danger to them, because, although it is very functional, there are people who use them to do harm.

It should be taken into account that, as well as having advantages, there are also various disadvantages such as: false information, prohibited images, etc.

The new generations since they are born already coexist with technological devices, this makes them adapt more easily to this type of tool. At the time of attending school is where they encounter difficulties, since the excessive use of technological means affects them.

It affects their fine motor skills, their hands no longer have the same strength, in some cases they find it difficult to concentrate when the teacher explains, those who use many headphones have a deficiency in their hearing system.

Above all, concentration is greatly affected, today’s students are very easily distracted, any slight noise or image loses the objective in school. It is true that the use of technology in education helps in some special cases that require it.

Let’s be honest, all things have pros and cons, the use we give them will be the perspective we have.

Education must be the fundamental axis for the improvement of our society and we must rely on all the tools that are offered to us, using them with greater awareness and thinking about the future of the young people who inhabit this planet. Creating values ​​of all kinds in them so that they can be better and develop their abilities optimally.

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